Everything You Need to Know About Memory Foam

No other type of mattress gets as much hype as memory foam. It’s often touted as comfy and therapeutic. With such bold claims though, it’s not surprising if you have doubts about the product.

In this post, you’ll learn if the said foam lives up to its reputation. You’ll also understand how and why it does (or doesn’t).


Memory foams are known for molding into whoever or whatever that’s pushed against them. However, they still differ in some aspects.

Over the years, a few more types were developed. All in all, they’re classified into three, namely traditional, open cell, and gel.

Image Reference: https://cdn.mattressonline.co.uk/content/products/full/jay-be-memory-foam.jpg

1. Traditional

Basically, this one is made from polyurethane. This chemical is used in manufacturing various products because it adapts and changes shapes easily. In addition to mattresses, you can find this kind of polymer in cushions, shoes, wheels and even wall insulators.

The traditional type has been on the market since the mid-1990s. It’s advertised as comfortable because it molds into the body of the sleeper. Through the years though, many users have complained that it’s hot to sleep on.

Another issue with this type is that it’s made from petroleum-based materials. This means it’s not an eco-friendly choice.

2. Open Cell

Open cell memory foams, along with the gel ones, are made in response to the body heat retention problem with the traditional type. Like the prototype, the second type is still dense. However, its internal structure differs as it has pockets or passages that allow airflow.

As a result, your body heat has a room to escape from your memory foam. It’s a pleasure to sleep on because it molds into your body yet remains cool all throughout.

You can also expect this type to respond to your body’s shape in a faster way. When you get up, it quickly returns to its original shape, too.

3. Gel

Also called gel-infused, this type has microbeads and specializes in heat absorption. As its name suggests, the tiny materials used are infused into the actual foam.

The gel is further categorized into two: the basic and the phase-changing material. The basic gel-infused foam only absorbs body heat. On the other hand, the PCM type absorbs and releases such. It’s called phase-changing because the gel in the microbeads may change from solid to liquid (and vice versa).

Of the three types, gel memory foams mold the best. As such, they may be the most comfortable. After all, they’re the densest, thanks to the infusion of gel microbeads. However, they degrade the soonest. You may have to pump microbeads in the future if you want it to stay comfy.


They say you should invest on anything that separates you from the floor. Think of beds and shoes. As an investment, you should weigh the pros and cons before buying the said products.

Below are the benefits of using memory foams. See for yourself if these match your needs and decide if they’re worth your money.

· Provides support for your back and reduces body pain

To be fair, all mattress manufacturers claim that their products have these benefits. Memory foams do it differently though.

A memory foam molds into the natural S-line of your body. By doing so, it evenly distributes the weight. As a result, it gives better support to your body whether you’re sleeping on your back or side.

Because of that, it’s more comfortable than a flat mattress. With the latter, parts of your back or side may feel sore when you lie down as they take more weight than the rest.

· Reduces risk of allergen buildup

The dense structure of memory foams makes them less prone to allergen buildup. Even the miniscule dust and spores will find it hard to enter and stick to the foam. If you have allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems, you should consider buying this kind of mattress.

· Has a longer lifespan

In general, memory foams last longer than spring mattresses and basic foams. Their high density plays a role in this. Their upfront costs are higher as a result.

However, having this kind of foam is more cost-effective in the long run. It’s not just because it’s durable; it’s also because of the long-term comfort it can offer. Imagine the number of backaches you may struggle with due to a firm and uncomfortable mattress. This should be enough reason to shop wisely when it comes to your bedding materials.


No matter how expensive it is, a memory foam still has flaws. Take these into account before getting one.

· Requires a lot of effort to lift and transfer

Spring mattresses are heavier than memory foams. However, it doesn’t mean that the latter are easier to carry and move around. Keep in mind that they are dense. As such, they’re also heavy.

This makes cleaning the bed a tough chore. It’s also bound to be a challenge when you’re renovating your bedroom.

· Takes time to dry up

Again, due to its high density, it’s difficult for water (or any other type of moisture) to escape this type of foam. So, when there’s a leak or spill on it, it dries up slowly.

Because of this, you shouldn’t consider the foam if you’re dealing with incontinence. If you want this foam but have heavy menstrual bleedings every now and then, you might want to invest in a mattress topper that’s easy to wash. Or, you can just avoid buying this type of mattress.

· Retains body heat and odors

You already know that the traditional foam retains body heat. However, you should also learn that smells linger from it, too. If you’re sensitive to odors, disregard this mattress. The gel type may be worth considering though, especially if it’s infused with natural essences.

It’s also worth noting that the traditional memory foams aren’t good for the environment because they’re petroleum-based. These days though, there are plant-based ones which are made from soy and coconut foam among others. Aside from being eco-friendly, this type springs back more quickly than its petroleum-based counterpart.

All in all, memory foam isn’t for everyone. Some people will find it comfy and therapeutic while some won’t. It’s highly recommended for those with back problems, joint pains and allergies. You should also consider it when you’re tired of replacing your mattress over and over again.

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