How Long Does The Honeymoon Period Last? 5 Signs You Are Out Of It

Fun Fact: Wedding is for the visitors and families while honeymoon is for the lovers only. Do not intrude!

Every newly wedded couple loves to embark on a road trip away from their regular associations and ties so as to enjoy some truly blissful times with their newly found one true love. It isn’t strange to realize that many couples spend this quality times touring the globe while others will rather stay back in their home country but away from any third party’s disturbances. This stage of every marriage is regarded as the honeymoon period because technically speaking it’s truly some moments in the moon filled with elegant honey-esque memories. Honeymoon is an important period of every marriage as it allows the couples some time away from their old single life, gives room for bonding between the lovers, aid the development of intimacy between the two love birds, and above all honeymoon allows for mutual consent between couples. However, to every beautiful thing comes an end and even the strong, exciting period like the honeymoon period isn’t immune to this universal fact. In the light of this, one is compelled to wonder how long the honeymoon period truly last.

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How Long Does The Honeymoon Period Last?

One of the biggest hiccups in any relationship is one that only few ever envisage – the end of the honeymoon period. The early excitements and magic begins to fade gradually, the bumps you usually feel whenever your lover entered the room fades and before you know it everything just seems less interesting. At the beginning of your honeymoon, all may feel so sweet and intimate that you can’t even envisage its end. How long this period will last will depend on the rapport between the couples involved but thanks to researches, it’s easy to predict how long your honeymoon period may last. According to research, a proper honeymoon period may last between 12 to 24 months. At first you are constantly learning the sweet and romantic side of your partner but after a duration of anywhere between 12-24 months, you start to feel like you’ve done everything together and you now know him/her inside out. With that being said, not every relationship would stand the test of time and survive for one or two years. How then would you know that you are out of this period? Check out the following signs.

5 Signs You Are Out Of It

  1. Boredom Steps In: One of the exciting things about the honeymoon period is that you feel engrossed and attached to your partner every time you set eyes on them but the moment you start to lose this feeling and you start to feel bored even in the presence of your partner it shows you are nearing the beginning of the end of your honeymoon period. It is supposed to be a period of fun, gist, and bliss but the moment any party begins to experience boredom, that’s a sign that the fire isn’t burning like it used to burn because if you still feel strongly for your partner, boredom wouldn’t set in
  2. Intense Arguments And Subsequent Fightings: Is there anyone who makes an effort to ruin the countenance of their lover? But the moment you start to give no damn about the feelings of your partner when you argue, it shows a sign that you are nearing the end of your honeymoon period and you need to re-evaluate your position. After all, at the infancy of your honeymoon you barely argue with your partner let alone getting into a fight. One of the signs that your honeymoon period is nearing its end is when your relationship becomes typified by disagreements.
  3. No More Butterflies In Your Belly: Almost everyone feels huge sense of love, affection and emotions whenever their partner steps into the room. You know that nervous feeling and asense of butterflies in the belly, right? The moment this sensation begins to fade, that’s a sign that your honeymoon period is coming to an end.
  4. You No Longer Feel Obliged: Men in particular like to feel obligated to care and cater for their lover especially at the early stage of a honeymoon. However, with time, most of these urge to impress your partner just begin to fade off. When these occur, it shows you are gradually reaching the end of your romantic honeymoon season.
  5. Take Issues Out On Your Partner: It is normal to experience some challenges in life and when you do, you need your partner to stand with you to overcome them. At the infancy stage of the honeymoon, men in particular would smile immediately they set eyes on their partner even when they are going through a rough patch but once the honeymoon period nears its ends, it becomes a normal thing to take your anger, and pressure out on your partner and ultimately you forget to pay attention to your partner’s care and needs.