Single Versus Twin Bed Size

There are several types of single and twin beds available in the marketplace but when it comes to making an appropriate choice for a single or twin beds in your home, it is quite challenging.When trying to find a new bed, it is essential to know the dimensions and measurements of your room. When thinking about a bed for a kid, do not restrict yourself to small single or twin beds. Both of these bed brands, have their advantages and limitations and to be able to choose, you need to analyze certain things. Read on to find out what you need to know before settling either for a single or twin bed.

Understanding bed dimensions will assist you make the right choice and also allow you figure out how well a certain bed will fit in your rooms.While a bed of this particular size might suffice now, a small bed may restrict your future options. A growing kidfor example might go directly from a kid’s child bed to a queen size that they can continue to use conveniently as they grow

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Single Versus Twin Beds

Let us have a brief overlook of the two beds. First of all, there is something you need to realize about these two beds. Single and twin beds are two names for the exact same bed size, which creates some confusion among bed mattress customers; they just serve different purposes. The term twin bed merely refers to two similar single beds; this type of bed is common to find in hotel and resort rooms. The two terms are commonly utilized interchangeably in the United States, even though they have somewhat different definitions. The basic dimension for a bed is 39 inches large and 75 inches long. After having a brief look at the both of them, let us find what a single bed is.

What is a single bed?

Single beds are usually 75 x 39 inches and are specifically designed for lone users. They are most suitable for a kid’s room or a guest room in a home but you can equally find them in hotels and easily known as triple rooms. Kids can use these types of beds till they get to high school and they are quite affordable and easy to find.

What is a twin bed?

Twin beds are equally 75 x 39 inches and are called twin because it is normally a 2 in 1 bed. They are suitable for brothers or sisters who share a room or for a guest room for more than one visitor in a home. Couples who do not share a bed can also make use of these. There is equally a twin XL disparity of this bed slightly longer and measures 80 x 39 inches.

Why should you go for a single bed?

First of all, they are cost effective

Single beds are quite affordable especially if you do not have enough finances for a twin bed and are quite easy to find in the market. All you need to know is the dimension of the bed you need and you are good to go.

They can easily fit in your home

Whether your rooms are small or big, single beds are quite ideal because they can easily fit in. They do not take a lot of space as compared to twin beds; they fit in properly so much that you still have some space left for more decorations.

A major disadvantage of a single bed is that; they are not multi-functional. Siblings are mandated to share a bed even if they do not want to.

But depending on the use, there are some instances where a twin bed may actually be more preferable; read on to find out the benefits of twin beds.

Benefits of twin beds

Quite appropriate for multiple functions

Twin beds though they are more expensive than single beds; easily serve multiple purposes and help save the stress and cost of getting different rooms in a home, hotel, or resort. Siblings can share a room with each person having their own bed. The beds can easily be put together to form a single bed when you have a couple as guests in your home too.

Little or no disturbance

There are many couples and siblings as well who always prefer to sleep on mattresses due to their different sleeping patterns and privacy. So having these twin beds enables each person to sleep comfortably the way he or she desires.

To conclude, the sizes of single and twin beds are absolutely the same; unless you wish to purchase the twin XL, there is no difference in the dimension but they however serve different uses and purposes. It is just to think about why you need the beds before you make a decision on which to get.