What Are the Best Sheets to Keep You Cool?

You may not be aware, but the sheets you choose for your bed serve many purposes. Ideally speaking, they should be a good mix of fashionable and functional.

A great set of bed sheets represents the style and taste of the person who’s sleeping in them. They tie together the different design elements of a room for one, cohesive look. But above all, they should provide an amazing night’s sleep, time and time again.

Normally, we think of bed sheets as things that help to keep us warm. But today we’re talking about the best sheets to keep you cool. For those nights when it’s a little bit too hot out, the thermostat is on the fritz, or there’s an extra body in the bed.

Read on to find out why you might benefit from cooler sleep, what the best fabrics to sleep in are, and where to find the best cooling bed sheets.

Why You Need to Stay Cool While You Sleep

It might seem counterintuitive that our bodies need to be cool when they shut down for the night. After all, most people dream of snuggling down into a warm and cozy bed, not a cold one. But the fact is that in its natural state, the human body cools down on average one or two degrees below its regular daytime temperature at night.

Why is this? The answer concerns something called our circadian rhythm, which is an internal body clock that lets you know when you should be sleeping and what time you should wake up.

When you settle down to sleep, you enter a state during which your mind and body slow down so that they can rest and recuperate for the following day. This is why getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is so important. Without it, you cannot function at full capacity.

The problem is that when you overheat at night, your sleep is disrupted, and this stops you from getting the rest you so badly need.

Why You Might Need Cooling Sheets

Do you sometimes go to bed at a normal temperature, only to wake up hours later uncomfortably hot, or covered in sweat? If so, you may be what is known as a “hot sleeper“. This term refers to someone who tends to overheat when they sleep, despite efforts to prevent this from happening.

If you are a hot sleeper, there could be a number of reasons for this.

It could be very hot or humid where you live. If you notice you’re only overheating at certain times of the year, this is likely the explanation.

On a more serious note, certain medications or medical conditions can also contribute to overheating at night. Similarly, changes in hormones, as women experience during pregnancy and menopause, can also prompt the onset of night sweats.

The issue might not even be with you, but with your bed. For example, certain types of mattresses, such as memory foam, tend to trap heat, and so might require cooling sheets even if you don’t find you’re normally a hot sleeper.

It could also have something to do with what you’re wearing to bed. If your nightwear is too heavy or made of the wrong fabric, then try changing to something lighter and more breathable, to see if this helps.

As we’ll discuss below, the culprit could also be your bedsheets. As with the clothing you wear to bed, the sheets you sleep on can also be made from fabric that is either conducive to a good night’s sleep or not.

No matter what the root cause is, if you find you’re overheating when you hit the hay, it may be time to invest in sheets that keep you cool. Read on for our list of the best cooling sheets for every type of sleeper.

The Best Sheets to Keep You Cool

As a general rule, the best types of sheets you can buy are ones made from natural fibers, as these tend to be more breathable than their synthetic counterparts. Silk, cotton, bamboo, linen, and Tencel, are the types of fabrics to opt for, while polyester and nylon blends are probably best avoided.

It can also be a good idea to pay attention to the color of your sheets. Darker colors tend to absorb light and heat, while lighter colors reflect it. It might not make a huge difference to your overall nighttime temperature, but it’s a good place to start.

Below we’ve rounded up some of the best sheets to stay cool in every situation.

Helix Ultra-Soft Sheet Set

These sheets are super soft to the touch, super breathable, and made from moisture-wicking fabric, which makes them one of the best sheets for night sweats. If you do find yourself sweating during the night, the Tencel fabric of these sheets will capably absorb any excess moisture, meaning you’ll wake up dry and well-rested.

Buffy Eucalyptus Cooling Sheets

These Buffy sheets are made from 100% eucalyptus, meaning they’re as gentle as they are breathable. For this reason, they may be the best sheets for hot sleepers who have sensitive skin. They naturally help to regulate your body’s temperature, are made from completely natural fibers, and are even colored using natural dyes.

Parachute Percale Sheet Set

These sheets from Parachute are made from Egyptian percale cotton. They have a feeling of luxury and sumptuousness about them, but best of all, they help to keep you cool when it counts. Due to their crisp and lightweight nature, you’ll feel the difference from the very first touch.

A Cooler and More Comfortable Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is so important. That’s why if you’re a hot sleeper, it’s important to know the best sheets to keep you cool. Combine with the right nightwear, a quality mattress, and there’ll be no stopping you from getting the sleep you deserve.

If you’re in the process of shaking up your sleep routine, check out the great mattress coupons we have on offer.

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